Computer Department


Computer is one of the most liked subjects of today’s generation. Keeping this in mind we at Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centre, Avadhpuri, have two, state of the art, Computer Labs. One dedicated to the junior students and other for the seniors. Both the labs are equipped with latest computers, which allow the students to quench their thirst of computing.

Students are not only taught computer from the course, but they are also provided with computer activity periods, where they can opt to learn different softwares. Students are motivated to think out of the box and explore the exciting world of animation( both 2D and 3D), photo editing, sound mixing, programming and lot more.

Events and Achievements of the Department

Computer department organizes an annual Computer Fest known as “Techquest”, which is an event organized entirely by the students and for the students. Students are motivated to participate in inter school computer competitions organized by different schools and thereby they get to test their mettle with other schools too.